Welcome to Sacred Hands
I am Fernando Escobar, a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.)
I have a passion for treating those suffering from pain that experience limitations to their mobility, strength, and freedom from being able to live life to their fullest.
I am Certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture (C.SMA) through AcuSport Education, and enjoy demonstrating and teaching other acupuncturists in the field how to relieve pain effectively by having a deeper awareness of the anatomy structures and treatment protocols.
What sets me apart from other acupuncturists is my education and experience in the field with advanced diagnostics with postural imbalances and analysis, identifying the tendon or ligament tear, and underlying organ imbalances based on bone and joint displacements. My treatments are effective and long lasting because I get to the root of the pain quickly to address the imbalance while saving you time, money, and other impacted aspects of your life from being in pain.
I enjoy seeing my patients lead happier lives, take more vacations, exercise or play, and have more fulfilling relationships once out of pain. My motivation is to get you restored without medications, surgery, or injections. If you are in pain, book a consultation for more insight into how you can get out of pain as soon as possible.
You can contact me for specific inquiries or to schedule an appointment.