What Makes Fernando Different?

Fernando enables patients to achieve and maintain optimal health by applying the best of Eastern and Western medical research, creating a personalized approach to your health based on your unique clinical presentations.  This process addresses a range of physical, mental, and environmental influences on the body’s physiologic and energetic systems.  Utilizing a unique blend of Western and integrative healing modalities he evaluates causative factors to restore connection and harmonious balance to body and mind.

Fernando’s vision and training are aimed toward creating a greater awareness of structural balancing for improved natural health and longevity.

His goals are to reduce health care costs to individuals, groups, and companies, through immediate pain reduction and time tested tools for positive health outcomes in the future.


Over 20 years dedicated to the healing arts and sciences have provided me extensive training and clinical experience in various modalities including the certificated modalities below

Licensing & Certifications:


A career in supporting others has always been a natural fit, but I formalized my direction toward alternative medicine during my final year at Loyola University Chicago as a pre-med student. I was drawn to the practice of healing, and not just the treatment of symptoms that many of today’s allopathic medical practices perform. Rather than pursue a direction that tended to have an over reliance on prescription drugs and several (although not all) unnecessary surgeries, I believed a deeper healing existed than with just pills and routine procedures. It was then that I decided to put a hold on attending medical school, and instead I moved to Los Angeles in search and for research into other forms of healing.

Examining many systems, such as Shamanic healing and Ayurvedic Medicine, I gained a respect for certain aspects of each one. However, when I investigated and experienced Chinese Medicine firsthand, I was amazed at the depth of knowledge of the body, mind and spirit that was involved. I was confident that my future path of medicine would no doubt be related.

As a way to study a traditional use of healing by hand, I began to train in massage at the Institute for Psycho Structural Balancing in Los Angeles in 2000. In the process, I discovered that I had quite an innate talent for massage, and created Sacred Hands in 2002 to share healing services with others. At this point I wanted to gain more healing knowledge so I went to Emperor’s College in Santa Monica, CA and gained a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2008. Most recently I have been certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture through AcuSport Education in San Diego, CA in 2017. This training is specialized toward sports, orthopedic and work-related injuries. I also gained additional understanding and acupuncture techniques specific to athletic and repetitive ailments.

Since 2000, meditation has been key in supporting balance both professionally and personally. In addition to traveling to India on more than 10 occasions for retreats, and attending many workshops, I have been sought for consultation and 1-on-1 sessions for those interested in adding meditation to their schedule, including heads of state. In my experience, meditation is the source of all healing because a healing occurs when you sit down and put your physical and mental activities on pause on a regular basis. I highly encourage everyone to add meditation into the flow of their life for overall health of body, mind, and spirit – as well as a massage at least once a month. I look forward to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals whether it’s through acupuncture, massage, meditation – or a combination thereof.

Modalities Utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine

With the use of Acupuncture, soft tissue mobilization, meridian therapy, and clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, Fernando addresses patient conditions that include:

  • Pain Syndromes

  • Sponylosis / Spindylothesis

  • Thoracic Outlet syndrome

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Nerve Entrapment pain

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Lumbar Pain

  • Sciatica

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Golfers Elbow

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Knee Pain

  • ACL & Meniscus Tears

  • Labrum Tears

  • Stress Management

  • Insomnia